I’ve been busy!


For once.

My finished works are all mostly on artist trading cards. These are all 2.5 x 3.5″ using graphite, my trusty Kimberly 9xxb pencil, and a Conte Pierre Noir wax crayon pencil thing that is hella hard to erase. Live and learn, right? Also, I need to learn how to clean these properly because they’re all smudgy. LOL

Bette Davis:



Madge Evans:



Gloria Swanson:



Errol Flynn:



And then there are my WIPs.

First I’m pretty much done with my commission, but I haven’t taken fixative to it so it’s still a WIP. I think I was pretty ham-fisted with the kitty…but what’s done is done. I’m working on a second copy on sepia toned paper, but my heart’s not in it. So, hopefully my client will be pleased with this version. Thankfully she knows I’m a n00b. Which sucks!! Because I know I can do so much better…but with more practice. This isn’t as great as it could be.

BUT…I gave it my all, and that’s okay.

9 x 12″ Strathmore Drawing paper (400 series)





And my latest WIP is another old Hollywood celebrity portrait. This time it’s on 9 x 12″ paper.

Yes I use grids. Suck it.

This here is Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond in the classic and brilliant film “Sunset Boulevard.”
